courses we offer
In these unprecedented times, as many of us are unable to gather in person, why not consider meeting with others to discuss the big things in life.
courses we offer
In these unprecedented times, as many of us are unable to gather in person, why not consider meeting with others to discuss the big things in life.
The Leadership Team
Rev Jonathan Phillips
Pioneer Vicar
Jonathan Price
Technical Oversight & Small Groups
Cath Jones
Parish Admin and Family Support
David Hobson
Jane Kite
PSDT & Strategic Oversight
Nev Kite
Finance & Operations
Denise Noble
Inclusivity Champion
The Core Staff Team
Denise Beech
Café Manager
Bob Toan
Cafe Chaplaincy Team Coordinator
Cath Jones
Children's and Youth Missioner
The Sunday Team
Rev Jonathan Phillips
Pioneer Vicar
Anne Naylor
Pastoral Care Facilitator & PACT Small Groups Coordinator
Julian Annison
Sound & AV Coordinator
Jonathan Price
Sounds & AV Coordinator
Jonathan Phillips: Vicar
Nev Kite: Treasurer
David Hobson: Warden
Jonathan Price: Warden
Julian Annison: Lay member
Lizzie Wiffen: Lay member
Katie Andrews: Lay member
Darren Andrews: Lay member
Denise Noble: Inclusivity Champion
Anne Naylor: Lay member
Stephen Beveridge: Night Church Guest