courses we offer
In these unprecedented times, as many of us are unable to gather in person, why not consider meeting with others to discuss the big things in life.
courses we offer
In these unprecedented times, as many of us are unable to gather in person, why not consider meeting with others to discuss the big things in life.

St Peter’s Church is a network of communities sharing God’s love at the heart of the city...
"Our vision is to see the city of
Chester transformed by God’s love."
We will realise our vision through four branches of ministry:
These values are at the core of everything we do as a church...
Love God
We love God because He loved us first. His love transforms lives and communities. This is our prayer for Chester.
Strengthen Wellbeing
We support one another in cultivating balance, wholeness and peace in all areas of life.
Care for Creation
We take responsibility for God’s creation and continuously work towards creating a more sustainable way of life.
Value People
We treat every person with kindness and respect; so that all are truly seen, heard, appreciated and belong.
Act with Kindness
We love Chester by giving practically and generously, working alongside others to bring about positive change.
Foster Connection
We seek out and create opportunities to connect meaningfully, build community and share in life as a family.
Advocate Justice
We stand for what is just over what is comfortable and play an active role in making our city and world a fairer place for all.